Mutual FundsAMC

Edelweiss Mutual Fund

Edelweiss Mutual Fund

Edelweiss Mutual Fund


1,05,304 Cr

Funds on Dhan



17 Yrs

Edelweiss Equity Funds

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Disclaimer: Mutual fund investments carry market risks; read all scheme-related documents carefully. Past performance does not guarantee future returns.

AMC Information

Edelweiss Mutual Fund

Funds Managed


Assets Managed

1,05,304.23 Cr

Contact Details

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phone 022 40979737

Registered Address


Edelwiess House,Off.C.S.T. Road,Kalina, Mumbai - 400 098.

About Edelweiss Mutual Fund

Edelweiss obtained a Clearing Member License and launched its asset management business in 2007. Edelweiss Mutual Funds started with real estate funds, but at present, the company offers diverse funds, from equity and debt to hybrid and international funds.
In 2010, Edelweiss Mutual Fund acquired Anagram Capital to expand its operations further. In 2014, the company acquired Forefront Capital, the country’s first domestic hedge fund. However, the major deal happened in 2017, when Edelweiss acquired JP Morgan Asset Management India's entire fund portfolio
Another major achievement came in 2019 when the company introduced the MSCI India Index. The MSCI index tracks the performance of large and mid-cap companies and covers around 85% of the Indian equity market. The company also launched the Target Maturity Index Fund in 2021, the first in India.
Edelweiss Mutual Fund has over 300 years of cumulative experience from its investment team. The AMC is currently led by Ms Radhika Gupta, the MD and CEO. Mr Dhawal Dalal and Trideep Bhattacharya are the CIOs of Edelweiss MF.
Moving to other vital details, KFin Technologies Limited is Edelweiss Mutual Fund's registrar. The fund's custodians are BSR & Associates Chartered Accountants and S. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP, which ensures the safekeeping of its assets.
Some of the top Edelweiss mutual funds offered by the AMC are:
The company's investment philosophy is based on understanding the requirements of investors and providing tailored solutions.
Here are some key benefits of investing in Edelweiss MF.
  • Diversification :Spreading your investment across multiple assets is vital to lower risk. Edelweiss mutual funds hold a basket of securities, such as equities, bonds, or a mix of both. That means if one asset class declines, the loss is likely to be offset by profits in another, smoothing out the overall performance of your investment.
  • Professional Management: Edelweiss mutual funds are managed by experienced fund managers who continuously research and analyze the market to make investment decisions for you. This saves you a significant amount of time and effort compared to managing your own portfolio.
  • Low Investment Minimums: Unlike some investments that require a large sum, you can begin investing in Edelweiss mutual funds with just Rs 500 as SIP. This makes mutual funds accessible to a broader range of investors, even those just starting their investment journey.
  • Variety of Investment Options: Edelweiss mutual funds come in a wide range of styles and investment objectives. Whether you are looking for aggressive growth, steady income, or a balance between the two, you will find a fund that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
  • Transparency: Edelweiss funds regularly disclose their holdings and performance information to promote transparency. This transparency keeps investors informed about their investments and allows them to make necessary adjustments.
  • Liquidity: Most Edelweiss mutual funds offer high liquidity, meaning you can easily redeem your units and access your cash within a short timeframe, typically a few business days. This flexibility provides peace of mind, knowing you can access your funds if needed.
  • Tax Benefits: Depending on the type of mutual fund you invest in, you may be eligible for tax benefits. For instance, investing in Edelweiss AMC's Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) allows you to claim a deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh on your contributions. The returns from this scheme are tax-free, up to Rs 1 lakh. However, remember there is a mandatory 3-year lock-in period during which you cannot redeem your investment.
Investing in Edelweiss mutual funds offers long-term wealth creation. Mutual funds appeal to investors because, unlike stocks, where you are required to pay the entire value of a share price, they pool resources from multiple investors. This grants access to a diversified portfolio managed by seasoned professionals. Edelweiss AMC functions in a similar manner. The diversification offered by Edelweiss mutual funds allows you to escape placing all your eggs in one basket and smooth out market volatility.
Further, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) closely regulates mutual funds in India. This oversight ensures transparency and accountability and gives investors the information they need to make informed decisions.
However, it is important to know that Edelweiss MF’s performance is linked to market conditions. External factors like economic downturns or geopolitical events can impact the price of the Edelweiss scheme's underlying stocks stocks and bonds, which in turn affects the overall performance of the fund.
For example, suppose the government makes some announcements and the market perceives them to impact the companies listed on the exchange negatively. In that case, you may notice a decline in the stock prices and, ultimately, in the scheme’s NAV if these stocks are a part of the asset allocation. Thus, it is recommended to have a balanced portfolio that is well diversified to reduce the impact of volatility.
For the Edelweiss scheme you choose, make sure it aligns with your objectives and that you compare it with schemes in similar categories offered by different AMCs to make an informed decision.
Investing in Edelweiss mutual funds is easier than ever, thanks to the digitization and integration of AI and ML into the investment platform offered by online brokers like Dhan. With Dhan, you can invest in Edelweiss MF by simply going to their website or application and opening a Demat account .
  • Step 1: Open your Android or iPhone and navigate to the Google Play Store or App Store. Type' Dhan App' in the search box and tap the 'Install' button.
  • Step 2: Once you are done with the installation, begin the registration process by providing your contact number. Next, tap on 'I'm Ready to Trade.'
  • Step 3: You will receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on your registered number. Input the OTP and click on 'Proceed Ahead.'
  • Step 4: Share your email address and set an MPIN to secure your app from unwanted access.
  • Step 5: Finish onboarding by sharing your Aadhar number, birth details, and PAN.
  • Step 6: After opening a demat account, navigate to the 'Mutual Funds' section and type in the best Edelweiss mutual fund scheme. Choose the scheme you want to invest in from the list. Once you click on the fund name, you will be provided with detailed information about the NAV, returns, etc.
  • Step 7: Decide whether you want to invest in an SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) or an Edelweiss lump sum plan. If you choose the former, select the date of the month you want your contributions to be deducted from your bank account. In the case of the latter, input the contribution amount.
  • Step 8: You will again receive an OTP on your mobile number to confirm the transaction. Input the OTP to start your investment journey.
  • Step 9: Once your investment is placed, you can track the movement of your scheme and review any changes to the scheme's portfolio with just a few clicks.
Edelweiss SIP plans let you make small contributions every month or quarter to the scheme of your choice. These contributions provide you with compounding and rupee cost-averaging benefits. Lumpsums allows you to make a one-time contribution to the scheme.
Tracking Edelweiss SIP returns using manual calculations might be challenging due to the number of installments involved. Hence, it is best to use the Edelweiss SIP calculator . This tool is not only easy to use but also provides projected returns. To determine the expected returns, you only need to enter the SIP amount, frequency, expected returns, and investment period.

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Moneylicious Securities Private Limited also known as Dhan is only an order collection platform that collects orders on behalf of clients and places them on BSE StarMF for execution. Client expressly agrees that Dhan is not liable or responsible and does not represent or warrant any damages regarding non- execution of orders or any incorrect execution of orders with regard to the funds chosen by the client or due to, but not being limited to, any link/system failure, delay in transfer of the funds on account of any unforeseen circumstances/issues in the banking system/payment aggregators or any other problems that may result in a delay in crediting the funds into the BSE Star MF's bank account.

Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully before investing. Dhan is not a distributor or agent of any mutual fund. Mutual Funds are not exchange-traded products. Any related disputes will not have access to the Exchange-investor redressal forum or arbitration mechanism. For other disclaimers please refer https://dhan.co/advertisement-disclaimer/

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